Tomas Bradanovic Resume (english version)

1. This site is not so updated/coomprhensive as the Spanih version
2. There are some websites thefting my identity, offering business, loans, etc. It´s not me


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BGL Económic Advisory and Projects

Birth : 6 de enero de 1955
Nationality : Chilean. born in Santiago de Chile.
C.I. - Passport: 6.759.710-9
Report test PDA

2010 Universidad de Tarapacá: Magíster en Dirección y Gestión de Empresas-MBA
1984 Universidad de Tarapacá: Ingeniero de Ejecución Electrónico, con mención en Comunicaciones
1977 Inacap - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María: Técnico Universitario en Electrónica con mención en Sistemas de Radio y Televisión.

Indexed papers
Thomson Newman, Ian, Bradanovich Pozo Tomás Costos Para la Región de Arica y Parinacota Iincurridos por el Cumplimiento del Tratado de Paz y Amistad de 1904 y Otras Facilidades concedidas por Chile a Bolivia,.pp 79-103
Revista de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile, 182 (2015), Instituto de Estudios Internacionales - Universidad de Chile

Acevedo, M., Arancibia, P. Bradanovich T., Flores, M.,Tarifas sociales para el servicio de agua potable en Arica, Chile y su impacto teórico en la distribución del ingreso de los usuarios,
Ingeniare, Revista Chilena de Ingeniería Vol.19, Nro. 1, 2011, pp 132-145

Citation from online content in indexed papers and other
Online content references in indexed magazines, books and other publications

Referenced in Correa, L. (2019). The free transit of Bolivia through Chile: controversies and Chilean economic spending. 2005-2011. Si Somos Americanos, 19 (1), doi: pps 115,129,137

Referenced in Final Graduation Project The Relationship between Chile and Bolivia during the government of Evo Morales, Alcaíno Jabre, Pablo, Center for Legislative Studies and Assistance, Catholic University of Valparaíso, pp27

Referenced in The Bolivian Border Concept: Discursive Effects in the Conflict with Chile. In political and strategic elements in public policy decisions, Correa, Loreto, National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies ANEPE, page 332

Referenced in bibliography indexed publication Scielo, Cryptography as an element of computer security, Marrero, Y. ACIMED v.11 n.6 Havana City Nov.-Dec. 2003

Referenced in the bibliography Adopt an information security policy based on a domain of the NTC ISO / IEC 27002: 2013 standard for the Cooperativa Codelcauca, Yiner Ramos et al, Memories of Congress UTP, 2017

Referenced in "Project that gives force of law to Supreme Decree No. 031-2001-ED (Qhapaq Ñan - Caminos del Inca), Congress of the Republic of Peru 2001, Pag.6, Lima, Peru

Referenced in "Military Review, US Army Military Review", fourth quarter 2016, pp 99

Cited as "consulted expert" in Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Chile National Report 2014 pp 91

Referenced in Viuche R. A.; "Between utopias and realities: what meanings does the fact of living in Santiago de Chile give to Colombians, Political Searches Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2015, Pag. 21, Santiago de Chile

Referenced in Clemente B. María del Pilar, research thesis Master in Political Communication, Universidad de Chile, The litigation between the discourses of identity and modernity in the new Arica-Parinacota Region, pp. 49, 154, 155

Referenced in Final Report Representations of power and development in regional elites. Conflict and cooperation in the Arica and Parinacota Region, (November 2008), study by the Undersecretariat for Regional Development, Government of Chile

Referenced in Calvo Quintero, Gabriel, Relationship between companies located in Dosquebradas in the 50s to 70s and their creation as a territorial entity, Universidad Católica de Pereira, Master in Territorial Development Management 2013, pp. 33

Referenced in If you leave me, I'll kill you. Uxoricidal femicide in Lima. Jimena Sánchez Barrenechea's Bachelor's Thesis in Sociology.pdf (1,227Mb)

Referenced in bibliography Characterization and chemical activation of bentonite-type clay for its evaluation on the effectiveness of removal of phenols present in wastewater, Degree work presented as a partial requirement to choose the title of Industrial Chemistry, Technological University of Pereira, Largo Diana, Villamarin Katherine, 2013

Referenced in bibliography Use of solid mineral residues to obtain pet litter, INFOMIN Vol.8, No.1, January ‐ June, pp. 70‐87, Laurel Maylin et al

Referenced in bibliography Orientation Book for Professional Development, Sanchez et al, Editorial UNED 2017

Referenced in Thesis to obtain the professional title of systems engineer Information security management system to improve the risk management process in a national hospital, 2017 Ayala Medrasno, Miguel Angel, Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perí, pp 6

Referenced among the authors of the book El Último Mallku, Cultural Landscape of Tacora, 2019, Regional Government of Arica and Parinacota, Fundación Altiplano, Arica, Chile, pp 97

Quoted in The Mobilization of 1975, Fernandez Rodriguez Arturo, Perspectives in military history, December 2019, Academy of military history, pp. 23, 38

Lecturing and academic projects
Thesis mentor for Magister en Gestion de Políticas Públicas, Magister en Dirección y Gestión de Empresas-MBA, U. Tarapacá-Newmann Business School, Tacna y BS Grupo, Lima. Thesis mentored: magister 18, undergrad 9

Proyecto Piloto para desarrollo de la formación técnica de nivel superior, estudio por encargo del Ministerio de Educación para el Centro de Formación Técnica de Tarapacá (D. Viera, T. Bradanovich)

Plan de autoevaluación para la acreditación del programa de postgrado Magíster en Liderazgo y Gestión de Organizaciones, de la Universidad de Tarapacá

Lecturer at Escuela Universitaria de Administración y Negocios, ESUN-Universidad de Tarapacá. Courses: Modelamiento en diseño de procesos (2009-2010), Computación Empresarial (2014), Sistemas de Información Gerencial (2014)

Co-author, with the psycologist John Thomas Wilke of translation to Spanish of Tao Te King, from the Gia Fu Feng´s English version. The work in progress can be seen here

Interested on research on: water economy, higher education managment, small business in markets of subsistence

Author of five video-courses published in Udemy  Tareasplus y Flooq, with more than 14.000 students an counting from several countries.

Habilidades gerenciales para el pequeño empresario
Visual Basic para oficinas
Marco lógico para proyectos sociales
Python acelerado
Empresas individuales en mercados de subsistencia

E-learning courses studied and approved
Has studied and approved the following online *nn accredited* courses:

-Microeconomics Principles,
Prof Javier Vazquez-Cognet, Universidad de Illinois At Urbana Champaign.
Exámenes completos, score 88.6 %

-Information Security and Risk Management in Context,
Prof. Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, Universidad de Washington.
Exámenes completos, score 88%

-Internet History, Technology and Security,
Prof. Charles Severance, Universidad de Michigan,
Exámenes completos score 100%+

-E-Learning and Digital Cultures,
Profs. Jeremy Knox, Sian Bayne, Hamish McLeod, Jenn Ross, Christine Sinclair, The University of Edimburgh.
Score 100% Statement of Accomplishment

-Sustainability of Food Systems: A Global Life Cycle Perspective ,
Prof. Jason Hill, University of Minessota

-Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory and Practice, Edwin Bakker, Leiden University Statement of Accomplishment (with distinction)

-Democracia y Decisiones Públicas, Introducción al Análisis de las Políticas Públicas, Profs Joan Subilat, Jaime Blasco, Ismael Blanco, Quim Brugue, Raquel Gallego, Margarita Leon, Jack Parés. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Statement of Accomplishment

Teacher Assistant: es elegido para Community Teacher Assistant en Coursera para la segunda versión de Internet History, Technology and Security

Global History Lab, Part 1, Jeremy Adelman, Princeton University
Statement of Accomplishment (Team Leader)

Making Government Work in Hard Places, Prof. Jennifer Widner, Princeton Univerity
Statement of Accomplishment (Team Leader)

Contar Historias para el Cambio, Prof. Richard Richards, Acumen
Statement of Accomplishment

Universidad Católica de Chile, Clase Ejecutiva,
Curso de Evaluación de Decisiones Estratégicas, (Líder de Grupo)
Prof Patricio del Sol

Fundes-Universidad de Chile, curso de capacitación y consultoría empresarial
Crecer con su Empresa.

Marginal Revolution University, cursos no acreditado
-Development Economics,
Profs. Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrot, George Mason University,
Exámenes completos, nota 85%.

-The Eurozone Crisis,
Profs. Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrot, George Mason University,
Exámenes completos, nota 100%.

-Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners,
Profs. Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrot, George Mason University,
Exámenes completos, nota 90%

Economic History of the Soviet Union
Prof. Guineverre Liberty Nell, University of Warwick
Exámenes completos, nota 81%

Evaluación de Impacto en Proyectos Sociales,
Prof. Ryan Cooper, Francisco Gallegos y otros, MITx J-Pal Massachusets Institute of Technology.. Exámenes completos, nota 74%

Gestión de Proyectos de Desarrollo
Prof. E. Mondelo, R. Toledo, IDBx, IBD6x, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Exámenes completos, nota 95%

Agua en América Latina, Abundancia en Medio de la Escasez Mudial. 
Varios profesores. IDBx, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. Exámenes completos, nota 93%

Dr Chuck online
-Python for Informatics. Prof Charles Severance. Exámenes completos, nota 100%

-Modern China. Prof. Pamela Crossley, Dartmouth College 

2005-2016 Owner, with Pilar Gómez of  BGL Asesorías Económicas Ltda.

2010-2015 Thesis mentor in programs of Magister, convenio Neumann Business School y BS Grupo con Universidad de Tarapacá: 23 thesis mentored

2014 Lecturer at Escuela de Negocios Universidad de Tarapacá

2012  Consulting to Centro de Formación Técnica Universidad de Tarapacá: Proyecto de Escuela de Oficios

2011 Proyecto de acreditación de programa Magister en Liderazgo y Gestión de Organizaciones Consulting to Universidad de Tarapacá, Informe de Auto Evaluación y Solicitud de Acreditación

2009-2010 Lecturer at Escuela de Negocios Universidad de Tarapacá

2009 Consulting to Centro de Formación Técnica Universidad de Tarapacá: investigación de mercado, diseño de estrategia corporativa, estrategia de marketing, propuesta de nuevo modelo educativo

2008 Projects Supervisor (Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública) at Municipalidad Provincial de Tacna, Tacna, Perú

2000-2006 Consulting in Chile for Klaxon Corp. and Tfox Ltda. Economic Intelligence; global risk; profiling of business and people; business records; studies on economic risk, contingency analisys; prospective.

2005 Lecturer of Teoría General de Sistemas at CFT Universidad de Tarapacá

1995-2001 Independent consulting for investment projects, both public and private.

1995-1997 Design and implemention, finantial software and inventory for Centrales de Compras at Regimiento de Artillería Nro. 6 "Dolores" and Infantería Nro. 4 "Rancagua" in the city of Arica

1994 Teacher of computing at programa "Chile Joven" in CEDEM.

1993 Lecturer in computing at Corporación de Estudios y Desarrollo Empresarial (CEDEM)

1993 Design and implemention, software emisión de sentencias seguras at courts of Arica and Acha jail

1992 Lecturer in Computing at Universidad Contemporanea (Arica) for:
- Journalism
- Business engineering
- Engineering

Consilting at courts at Tribunales de Arica.

1991 Implementa el Plan Piloto de Automatización para el Poder Judicial de Arica, que consta del diseño y puesta en marcha de los siguientes programas:
- Confección de Estado Mensual
- Confección de Estado Bimestral
- Confección de Estado de Visita de Cárcel - Archivo Criminal y Civil
- Confección automatizada de sentencias y oficios

1989 Gerente de la sucursal de Zona Franca en Sociedad Comercial San José Ltda. (Manzana 14 galpón 22, Zofri). Importación y exportación de ropa y maquinaria usada. Por razones de trabajo viaja a Miami (EEUU), Lima (Perú), La Paz, Cochabamba y Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). Termina giro comercial en 1992

1988 Socio consultor en Viera, Bradanovic, Navarro y Cia.

1985 Encargado de la oficina Arica de Computronica Ltda., venta de computadores e insumos, organiza los negocios Arica-Tacna de la empresa.

1983 Invitado a Tokio (Japón) por Casio Computer Co., viaja además a Hong Kong, Frankfurt y Nueva York para contactar con proveedores de la empresa.

1983 Encargado de compras y marketing de productos Casio en Establecimientos Comerciales California S.A. (Zona Franca de Iquique).

1982 Iniciación de actividades profesionales (Asesorías Técnicas en Computación).

1982 Vendedor de computadores en Importadora California S.A.(Arica).

1976 Práctica profesional en la industria IRT-lesco (planta Arica). Línea de armado de televisores "Antú"

Good writing in Spanish, average in English.

Partner of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Tourism and Services of Arica

Participated representing Importadora California S.A. at the following events:
- Infomaq 83 (Cosmocentro Apumanque, Santiago 1983).
- First Regional Conference on Computing CRC 81, at the Universidad del Norte, Arica 1981.

He served as an assistant instructor at the University of Tarapacá in
Systems Analysis (Faculty of Administration and Economics)
Numerical Calculus (Department of Mathematics)
Calculus 2 and Eccs. Differentials (Department of Mathematics

Included in the List of Judicial Experts of the Extma. Supreme Court for the biennia 1995-1996, 1997-9998, 1999-2000, as "judicial expert in computer systems".

Has developed public investment projects for the Corporation
Administrative Office of the Judiciary, regional Arica and Iquique, Gendarmerie Service of Chile, the University of Tarapacá and other regional public services.


I have found people who use the images of my certificates to falsify them and make it appear as their own, which is why I have removed them from the Internet.

On the web there are pages that impersonate my identity to do business and defraud. I do not do business of any kind, it is a deception

It bothers me a lot that someone unknown comes to my house without telling me. If you want to meet me, you can send me an email inviting me a tea, a beer or whatever, I am sociable, but I can be unpleasant with strangers who appear in my house without notice. Grateful for your understanding

Otros Cursos de e learning terminados sin rendir examen

-Networks: Friends, Money and Bytes, Prof. Mueng Chiang, Princeton University
-Cryptography, Prof. Dan Boneh, Stanford University
-A Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior, Prof. Dan Ariely, Duke University
-Introduction to Finance, Gautam Kaul, University of Michigan
-Securing Digital Democracy, Prof. J. Alex Halderman, Michigan University
-Competitive Strategy, Prof. Tobias Kretschmer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
-Introduction to Public Speaking, Prof. Matt McGarrity, University of Washington


Índice Klout: 62 (noviembre 2015), influencia individual Facebook, Twitter

Contribuciones en medios impresos y digitales

  • Contibuye con una columna bisemanal en el diario La Estrella de Arica ininterrumpida desde el año 2008 a enero de 2013.
  • Contribuyó de manera esporádica con el sitio web y edición impresa de I Love Chile (inglés)

Alumnos online al 24-04-2015